
Leefplezier ENG 775x300
We strive to offer people opportunities to lead their lives as they see fit and to be the person they desire to be, despite frailty.

Wishes and ambitions
Growing older, almost every person reaches a phase of increasing fragility and dependency. We want to create opportunities in this process for an enhanced quality of life. This means coping with fragility and dedicating more time and attention to the individual’s wishes, desires and ambitions.

Compassionate healthcare
In care for older people, the increased focus on safety and efficiency has limited personal freedom of choice and heterogeneity. Individual desires and well-being should be at the heart of care, expecially when it involves frail older people. In healthcare, this requires changes at all levels. To begin with, increasing the awareness of managers of the impact of systems on the healthcare practice. Also, create and allow time for (future) doctors, nurses and care staff to get to know the the older person and his or her individual needs and desires, and manage their care accordingly. The older people themselves should have more control over their healthcare and its providers. Leyden Academy is committed to dignified and compassionate healthcare for all older persons, with an emphasis on what matters most for the individual.

For more information please contact Josanne Huijg.