Healthcare Clowning International Meeting: 20-22 April, the Hague

The Healthcare Clowning International Meeting (HCIM) brings together all the people who are part of the life-changing picture of healthcare clowning, who connect worlds, connect people and change spaces.

20-22 April 2022,  the Fokker Terminal in The Hague

We find ourselves in an extraordinary moment in time. We are more aware than ever how important human contact and connection are to our wellbeing. This meeting aims to nurture and strengthen this vital work.
Experts from all over the world look into the world of healthcare clowning. HCIM will approach the field from different angles including: impact and our role in  society, the art of clowning, innovation and online opportunities and fundraising.

From Leyden Academy, professor Tineke Abma is a keynote speaker and Barbara Groot en Lieke de Kock are panelists.

Below a short interview of moderator Laura Koppenberg with keynote speaker Christopher Bailey (Lead of Arts & Health at the World Health Organization). He explains how clowns create a magic space where connection is possible. How they see people where they emotionally are and take them on an amazing journey, wherever it might lead.


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